Be Fruitful & Multiply

Dear Reader,

It’s the first day of Advent - December 1st, which throughout Christendom is the beginning of the journey to the manger, at least in our reflective church calendar. It’s the day we start reading the Christmas story, again being ushered into the mystery in Mary’s womb.

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Nikki Fletcher
From Sunday to Sunday

In one week, a tiny microbe can spread across an ocean. In one week, hundreds of thousands of jobs, dreams and futures can be postponed, if not erased. In one week, freedom to gather in society can be collectively revoked. In one week, thousands can die and the globe can be turned upside down. In one week, our high fortresses of shelter can be torn down to reveal the only one still left standing: “The Name of the Lord, my refuge and strong tower” (Psalm 18:10).

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Nikki Fletcher
Side by Side & Face to Face

May we become the kind of home for one another than feels like a front door opening every time we gently turn face to face for the sake of our souls.
May we become the kind of hope that feels like a city on a hill every time we powerfully turn shoulder to shoulder for the sake of the world.

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Nikki Fletcher
Setting the Table for Encounter

Jesus, the King, is the guest of honour at the dinner feast. He has given you, the privilege of being a part of this really special encounter He’s planning. It’s the greatest honour to be invited to His table.

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Nikki Fletcher
Seeing in Light Years

In the beginning of time, before the earth was formed from chaos and darkness, light was introduced to the earth. And however you believe that happened, astrological findings unveil for us the fact that sources of light in the universe have beginnings and endings. What we see in the sky is a story of linear time beyond our understanding and capacity to see.

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Nikki Fletcher
From Ground to Glory

The season of Lent all across cultures and regions of Christendom begin with a celebration of fasting and marking. Ashes are applied to the foreheads of believers as a symbol of the humility of their origins and dependence on God for all life and breath. It is a re-posturing of heart towards a journey backwards to the dirt, and forwards to the cross and resurrection of Christ.

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Nikki Fletcher
Secret Acts of Worship

The paradox and promise is that God, too, is working in a secret place inside of us, doing mysterious things that most of which we will never see - for our benefit and help.

El Roi, the God who sees you (Gen 16:13)

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Nikki Fletcher